14 Replies to “Inaugural Village Christmas Market”

  1. Oh dear Janet! You have no idea how you touch my old heart. I play with my dolls, too, write stories about them, and now have them in their nighties, tucked into bed for the cold months when there is no heat upstairs where they live. In the summer they have picnics, and a circus entertained them last year. My dollies are little old rescues with names and hand stitched wardrobes, much of their furniture found things from here and there. They're just plain country dolls, not nearly as talented and cleverly created as yours, but just the same, they're friends like no other! I thoroughly enjoy seeing what you create with your heart and hands, and I've been learning some things, too! Thank you so much.

  2. Oh how I love the idea of your dolls in their nighties tucked in bed for the cold months!
    Do you have pictures? And a circus!. Tell me more…..

  3. PLEASE tell me where this village is – I want to move in right now and abandon the rest of the world!!! Seriously, this is a complete delight and creative tour de force! You are so very talented. Nicola x

  4. The Villiage is in The World of Possibilities and it is where we all need/ want to live right now! Of course your work would fit in here perfectly!

  5. I do have pictures I'd love to show you, but don't know how! My old age playing started a couple of years ago when I found a wooden Polish doll with big red shoes, and a little stuffed donkey made in Japan. Dolly and Donkey are making their home in old wooden soda crates stacked on their sides, and cardboard boxes, in my little sewing room. They became temporary foster parents to some other lonely dollies, and now they've become one big happy family. They had a lovely Christmas last year, but things are a bit late this time. They just may sleep right through it!

  6. So many adjectives spring to mind! delightful, charming, magical! standing ovation for this one – you've really outdone yourself. I soooooo wish I could see this in person!

  7. Thanks Starr.
    And I always wish I can see the creek that runs through Wonderland Woods. It remains me of the creek near the home where I grew up!

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