The Owl and the Pussycat

 Amy at Thread in Hand has been working on her Owl and the Pussycat project designed by Jenny Adin-Christie. It motivated me to unearth my half completed dolls and finally finish them.  So here they […]

Inaugural Village Christmas Market

The dollys in the village decided to hold their first ever Christmas Market. It is important to come dressed for the weather. For a first ever event the dollys were delighted with the outcome. And […]

A New Tunnel Scene

The casket has 2 lids. This new tunnel embroidery scene of The Village fits under the lower lid. Here are two of the early residents.

The Princely Dragon’s Birthday Party

The Dragon Prince is celebrating his birthday! All the children of the kingdom are invited. Mama Bear is helping out. There is a birthday cake. Party hats. Balloons.

Doll House Keeping

My dollhouse had housekeeping issues that needed to be dealt with. So I took a couple photos before I dismantled everything. And the dollies requested a group photo!

And 2 More Dollies

This little dear is only 3 3/4″ tall. And another sewing dolly. Also very small.

New Little Dollies

I found this sweet shadowbox online. New dollies thought they would visit. This chair is just right.

Two Dollies in Red

Two Dollies in Red One is a Thimblehead Well it’s really a hat Imagine that.

A Macaroni

Every community of country house dolls needs its own Macaroni. I love his ponytail! And the little swagger in his hips. He is a 6 inch doll which translates as a 6 foot man in […]