Forest or Trees……Garden or Flowers…..?

Ruthie bids farewell to the Bluebird as she and Joseph head into the Enchanted Forest.
The lower back panel is complete. Here are lots of details.
A big step in the process never got recorded. What eventually became flowers on the right hand side started out being the trees in the center. I thought for sure I had a photo of it before I took it all apart.
There I go thinking again. 

As I start to couch the hills between the trees I realize stitching would be much easier in a frame

Many of the hillocks are in place. 

Here is a glimpse of my secret weapons for stuffing my tiny figures. I snipped the top of the eye off of large, long darning needles. (Wear safety goggles!) I wrapped the pointed end in masking tape to provide a handle. 
The best mini stuffing tool.

Here you can see where the hinges will go.

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3 Replies to “Forest or Trees……Garden or Flowers…..?”

  1. What a wonderful panel, full of life and colour. I'm very taken with your mini stuffing tools – I must remember that for some of the projects I have planned!

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