Better Resolution

  These photos my take longer than usual to load but hopefully you will be able to explore and enjoy the details better. This dapper young bird might be looking for some nightlife.    3 […]


  Where has August gone? So little progress to share.   But I am very happy with the spider web.


  I chose to scan my embroidery this morning. Not sure if it is better or worse, just different. The far left end of the embroidery is moving right along. And I have this wonderful […]


  I’ve added another ‘birdhouse’ to the left end of my crewel embroidery. I love the house, but I wanted to make sure it read as being behind the leaves not in the same plane. […]

Crewel Embroidery Progress 9

  I keep thinking I’ll add just a couple more stitches before I take a current photo. Then just a couple more….. I love this dandy bird striding over the flowers.    And a new […]

Crewel Embroidery Progress 8

A new bird has been stitched.  And next to him a butterfly. The fruit bearing tree has new beads blooming. Here is the over-all design.

Crewel Embroidery Progress 7

  The bunny is taking some flowers home to put on the dinner table.     This is such a delight to stitch. Once I stitch a section of the background I enjoy adding leaves, […]

Crewel Embroidery Progress 6

  I’m very happy with my new background, both the color and the different stitch. The bunny now has a smart red vest with blue buttons. Under the glow worm is the beginning of the […]

Crewel Embroidery Progress 5

  I wasn’t happy with the background. I didn’t like the way I was stitching it and I didn’t like the colors. Now was a good time to change this. There is quite a bit […]