Better Resolution

These photos my take longer than usual to load but hopefully you will be able to explore and enjoy the details better.
This dapper young bird might be looking for some nightlife. 

3 birds, 1 bunny, 2 butterflies, 1 moon and 1 worm.
Can you find them all? 

In the upper left hand corner a squirrel is reading before bed. The silvery web is empty for now. Tiny mushrooms are nestled in the grass. 

The young owl is responsible for letting the stars loose at night. 

A swan and fish swim together in a rock pool derived from 17th century embroideries.

And last but not least, the birdy family reuniting in the evening.

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9 Replies to “Better Resolution”

  1. I've really enjoyed following the progress of this DELIGHTFUL piece! It is so much fun! Your imagination is incredible, and your execution is awesome. Congratulations and thank you for sharing!

  2. WOW,WOW,WOW! This is amazing.I love the way you tell a little story. The owl setting the stars loose is heart stirring. Thank you for letting us see your wonderful talent.

  3. This is one of those amazing things where the more you look the more beautiful it becomes – it is just so, so fabulous! Love it.

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