39 Replies to “Once Upon A Time, The Video Tour”

  1. Thanks Mary! After posting this I realized I left out an important element so there is now a short extra video to view on my youtube channel.
    I enjoyed your blog about keeping it simple this morning. If only I too could learn that lesson!

  2. Thank you so much for sharing your creative talent with all of us. You are an amazing embroidery artist and I have enjoyed your journey in completing this treasure. As the President of the EGA, Dayton, Ohio Chapter, I shared your video this morning with our members, inviting them to enjoy and be inspired by your work. Again THANKS SO MUCH.

  3. Its OK a bite simple for my taste maybe you can work on it and give it as a wedding gift in august.
    You know I love you and all you stand for, and from one artist to another you BLOW ME AWAY. If only the world could see the wonderful person behind all the thread and the artistry your lovely casket is merely an extension of you. So proud of you today for the finished project you have to site back with a cup of coffee and be so proud. Maybe get some well deserved sleep but I would keep it next to you on the bed so now you can dream about it as you drift of to la la land. You friend Brian Haggard

  4. It's taken me a few minutes to compose myself after reading your heartfelt and so kind words. I know you understand all of the emotions of creating, putting your work out and then waiting. And waiting. And then you just go back to work….
    ps I thought for sure you would want some modern minimalist art for your wedding! oh darn.

  5. Wait a minute… I have to pick my teeth up off the floor. That is astounding. Such a whimsical- magical masterpiece. Thank you for sharing your talent with the world! Standing ovation from California!!

  6. So this is what colouring outside the box looks like!!!! WOW! I have watched your progress with great enthusiasm Janet and it makes me totally aware of what "more" I can do with my own cabinet of curiousity. Thank you for sharing your journey and especially your imagination! Isn't it amazinging where one idea will take you!? Well done!!

  7. Wow. Thank you so much for creating this wonderful, happy world. There is an incredible amount of joy in this. A real masterpiece!!

  8. What a magnificient, mind boggling and magical masterpiece you have created! I can feel the great care and thought that went into every stitch and I can't help but smile as I look at every bit. It brings so much joy. Thank you very much for sharing it. Congratulations Janet!!
    Jeri Zoubek

  9. Too wonderful! Your video was like entering into a beautiful fairy tale and the music just made the magical scene complete. Thank you for sharing your incredible journey.

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