Little Mama Bear

To go with the doll’s house size dolls I make, I thought it was time to add ‘The Three Bears’ into the mix.

So here is my first Mama Bear prototype. I’m still tweaking the  pattern for the head but I am delighted with her wardrobe.

Every lady of the house needs a chatelaine. 

Check fabric is great for stitching straight borders.

The green wool shawl jacket is all one piece, and the sleeves are sewn into the jacket as well.

There isn’t a lot of space for decorative embroidery but just enough to have fun.

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4 Replies to “Little Mama Bear”

  1. Hi Margaret,

    She is the size of a doll's house doll about 5". She isn't meant to be a teddy bear of one of the dolls, which would be tiny indeed! Hope that helps.

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