Teaching at Hen and Chick Studio

  The Friday evening I arrived at Heidi Kaisand’s great quilt shop, Hen and Chick Studio, we had a make it-take it get together.   We played with simple stitches on card stock. Beautiful results!  […]

Driving to Iowa, 2013

  This past weekend I taught at the  Hen and Chicks Studio in Conrad Iowa. On the way I stopped at the World’s Largest Truck Stop! Yes, that is a full size semi in the […]

Possibilities for the Spring Workshop

  The only problem with ‘The World Of Possibilities’ is, well, there are just soooo many possibilities! I will be teaching at The Hen and Chicks Studio April 20&21, 2013. I have been playing with […]

Teaching at Hen and Chicks

  Here is the storefront of ‘Hen and Chicks’ Studio in Conrad, IA. Just got home from a delightful weekend of teaching, stitching and shopping.   An original metal grate stills graces the floor. Beautiful!  […]

Completed Teaching Sample

  The teaching sample is finished. I love the twisted columns with all the different sample stitches inside.

A Teaching Sampler

  I am working on a teaching sampler for a surface embroidery class. This is not counted cross stitch. It is satin, chain,blanket,… and some basic 3D stitches, the detached picot that are the rays […]