Home Again, Home Again, Jiggity Jig

Time to try to share my 3 week textile spree in England. Week 1 was spent in Bath at the first ever ‘Bath Textile Summer School’!
The school was organized by the talented and delightful Lynn Roche of  Lynn and Michael  Roche Dollmakers
Every day was special.
…but I thought I’d begin with photos of a beautiful casket in the Holburne Museum Collection.
Our opportunity to view this casket was arranged by Marjan Kuyken a friend from the Casket of Curiosities Class. In the photo above you see Marjan, me, Jane Bawn, (the 3 casketeers) and Jenny Adin-Christie my embroidery teacher extraordinaire for the second part of the textile school. (More on classes later!) 

The tortoise shell frame around each embroidery is beautiful.

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4 Replies to “Home Again, Home Again, Jiggity Jig”

  1. Oh Janet – fellow casketeer Elisabeth in CT here (can't quite figure out the posting protocols from my system)! Thank you for posting all these wonderful images of the Holbourne Casket – it's just beautiful and a glorious inspiration! And that color inside!!!! WOW! I'll bet the whole thing was a rainbow riot the day it was first finished. I'm looking forward to hearing about your classes. 🙂

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