Hello Again Dear Friends!

Hello again dear friends! I have been enjoying the holidays, family, food and great parties.
And I have been resting my hand. The bad news is that the rest has not been enough and so I will be seeking therapy beginning tomorrow morning.
The good news is I am very optimistic! 

So I am illustrating this blog with a wonderful needlework frame I bought off the street at a London Church Jumble Sale, while I tell you about a ‘journey’ I have signed up for. 

I’m going to make my own casket! And just as I used to say “I come from a long line of hookers”, it isn’t what it might first sound like. This is the ‘Cabinet of Curiosities a 10 year in the planning project masterminded by Tricia Wilson Nguyen of Thistle Threads.
Tricia has brought together the materials (lots of materials), supplies(lots of supplies) and the history (oh yes, lots of history!)
to allow embroiderers a chance to create a 17th Century embroidery covered casket, or wooden box. This isn’t just any wooden box, it has secret doors and drawers and spaces to tuck things away!

And each person gets to design their own panels to embroider using threads specially made, reproduced for this class. Actually EVERYTHING is specially reproduced for this class. Follow the links to see more. And stayed tuned to hear and see more about this project. The class doesn’t officially begin until May 2013 and then it proceeds as long as we want to enjoy working on it. That’s why I think of it as a journey.

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6 Replies to “Hello Again Dear Friends!”

  1. Janet, I'm sorry to hear about your hand. I hope the therapy helps. Your work is so inspirational to me. I look forward to seeing more in the future. And that casket looks fascinating! How fun to have your own secret box of treasures. I had a jewelry box when I was little with lots of little drawers and such. I kept all my treasures in it. I hope you enjoy this project and keep us up to date on your progress 🙂

  2. Hi Starr,
    The new doctor, at a wellness center, was very encouraging about getting my hands working again. And without surgery.
    I love hearing about everyone's secret box they once treasured as a child!
    Don't worry, I'll keep you up to date.

  3. Janet this sounds like a masterpiece of a journey, will be following you closely I admire your stamina. Bad news about the hand trust the therapy will sort it out.

    Wonderful frame, what a great buy.

  4. Therapy is hopeful!
    Would you believe I only paid 5 British Pounds for the frame.
    No longer strong enough to stitch with, just looking at all of the turned wood makes it worth it.

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