What I’ve Been Working On

I have been working on a group of embroideries for a new project. The first piece is this tongue border. The second piece is a floral design. Again, just the same four colors. Here are […]

Little People Update

Here are the Little People I decided to make. None are over an 1-1/2″ high. Beads and buttons, glue and paint were the materials I used.

Catching Up

Adding images and text to this blog is still so confusing for me. So much to post if I could just figure out how.

Little People

I want to make more small figures for my stage settings. I gathered an assortment of little figures looking for inspiration for making my own. the beige thread figures above are my first attempt. Pretty […]

Let’s Try Again

I will get this. Here is a layered embroidery from a few years back. Anything is possible with a needle and some thread.