Embroidery Supplies from a Fly Fishing Shop

Now Showing: Embroidery Supplies from Park’s Fly Fishing Shop in Gardiner, MT. This great tiny town is located at the north entrance to Yellowstone National Park. The Fly Shop is run by Robert Parks and the Gardiner Bed and Breakfast is run by his wife Nanc.
I highly recommend both.  

I was hoping to find something new to stitch with or at least use in my stitching. One small part of the side wall was heaven! 

5 colors of chenille without buying huge skeins.

And centipede legs? In three colors? Who knew?
And I haven’t taken pictures of the feathers yet! 

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4 Replies to “Embroidery Supplies from a Fly Fishing Shop”

  1. Hi,
    I just came across your site! Your works if lovely!

    And by the way, there is a way to create an accurate transfer on wool felt. You have to pick little holes in a plastic sheet, then use some kind of brush to paint on some kind of white fabric paint. Then you just need to make sure to stitch over it. I think it's called the prick and pounce method.

  2. Hi Emily,
    So glad you found my site.
    You are so right, the prick and pounce method is great for transferring designs. Because of the size and the amount of detail I need to copy, I find the Transfer Eze works better for me.

  3. Hi Janet, what a find are these fly fishing embellishing bits!Who would have thought to go looking there. I have just found your site and am a fan and new Follower. I have linked you to my blog if that's ok.Hope more people can appreciate your work.I LOVE it.

  4. Hi Judy,
    The best part of the fly fishing shop was the owner's work table. Love to see how people create!
    I have found you too, and I'm a follower.

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