Shasta Daisies

  My Shasta Daisies have been beautiful this year. You have to walk over brown crunchy grass to see them but it’s worth it.    I filled the basket with small canning jars, added water, […]

The Dragon Prince

  Here you meet The Dragon Prince for the first time. He will not be out done by his neighbor across the road. From his castle walls he supervises construction.   And he watches as […]

Princely Dragon

  I’ve shown progress on my new backyard world here. I thought you might like to see the work while the owner is on site.  Here the Princely Dragon is inspecting the very rough beginging […]

Backyard Progress

  Before I show the backyard castle progress, I want to show 2 new friends we watch playing in the yard. Mama fox is nearby, watching from the woods.   There have been many changes […]

Why I Not Stitching As Much

  The last two months of weather in Indiana have been beautiful. So I have been spending more time in the garden than stitching. I put the space above in order last fall knowing I […]

Ladies Day

Late last week the clouds cleared long enough for Sharon (that’s her smiling at lunch) and I to hit the road for a ladies day. We went to Stream Cliff Herb Farm in Commiskey, In. […]